Thursday, April 30, 2020

Paige's Perspective - April 30, 2020

We did a camp out yesterday! It started off a little rocky because we were all on electronics! But after dinner it became better and better. First we all made up a scary story were we all went around the circle and say a little part of it. After that we sat around and chatted for a little bit. Then we started the fire for our s'mores me and Rylie played with Izzy when we were getting the fire started we found out that she likes to eat those leaves that some people call helicopters. Then we roasted our marshmallows when it got dark i like mine golden brown. Then we talked, laughed, and avoided the smoke from the fire :)  Then we went to bed me and Rylie slept in the tent we went to sleep to a movie. It was my favorite Wednesday yet!

The Rylie Report - April 30, 2020

so yesturday we did a campout in our sunroom it was fun. we did a fire circle on the brick side porch and rostad smores delitios! and we slept in the tent in our sun room not outside becuse it would rain. well today we put izzy on our rumba a(a robot that cleans your house) and izzy was riding it ! It was so funny! dont worry no one got hert.  

today is take out thursday meaning we order food from a restrant we still dont know the place yet. most of the restronts im thinking of we already did soooo i better change my thoughts!  were gonna put izzy in a wagon and tie it to the hoverboard or rumba its okay shes not gonna get hurt. well i hope this turnes out well and we find a restront to eat from!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Paige's Perspective - April 28, 2020

For school we do google meets to see our friends! I love them so much because I have time to catch  up  with my classmates and see what everyone is doing! speaking of working from home my mom showed me something  about a news reporter that went on live television not wearing pants!!! he thought that people would not see the bottom half of his body and only the top! But people could see he was not wearing pants and that was probably embarrassing! So now I know always wear pants when you have a camera pointed on you!   

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Rylie Report - April 27, 2020

my birthday was a week ago. it was so fun! i woke up in the morning and turned on my lamp. when i turned it on there were ballons on my floor! i was so happy. i got out of bed and jumped in the ballons! i got out of bed and went to get brecfast when i came out there were alot of decerrations! my mom and dad took me outside they showed me some sighns they put outside it was so cool!!! they put a drive by and honk sighn it was realy fun. after breakfast (wich was pancakes with wipcream and sprincals)my cousins drove by throwig candie out the window! people kept driving bye all day. for my b day i also discoverd i got a GINORMAS doll house!!!!!!!!

at diner we had hamburgers with fries it was delitios!! after dinner we ate my lemon flaverd birthday cake it was great! i opened more presants i got a baby yoda wal sticker, a asternot barbie , roller blades,a star wars piano book and thats it. im already looking forward to my 10nth b day!!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Paige's Perspective - April 23, 2020

A few days ago I got a hair cut! Because we can't exactly go anywhere my mom did it. She is pretty much a professional because she watched a video on You Tube. She did not feel very comfortable cutting as much as I wanted but it is still fine. I was Very scared because my mom kept saying "I don't think is even" or "uh oh"  At least I was in front of the T.V! Oh wait the T.V was on Jeopardy not my first choice of shows but I still like it.  That was how my FIRST at home hair cut went! I hope the hair cutting places open up soon! :/   

Monday, April 20, 2020

Paige's Perspective - April 20, 2020

I know that Rylie has already done  a post about her birthday but I want to say some words of wisdom about the topic. First I know that we still have two days but this is BIG because we have nothing else to be existed about besides sanitize Saturday! Second we got great presents but I can't say them because Rylie is reading this over my shoulder. Third this is going to be a unforgettable birthday because of this CRAZY time that we are in! That is all that I have to say today!  Oh I forgot happy early birthday Rylie! 

The Rylie Report - April 20, 2020

Distance learning is okay. Its not the same as normal school because your online. Its getting less confusing. my teacher has been setting up live meetings at 11:00 that is fun! 

my b day is in 2 days that is very exiting for me! for a birthday you get presents as you know, well i figured out were my family hid my presents. But i am not going to open them until my birthday. my birthday cake is a lemon cake with lemon icing i love lemon! my b day is on a wendsday that means i also have to to do school i am okay with that because i work in a office closed to the kitchen so ill be smelling cake all day! 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Paige's Perspective - April 17, 2020

Today my mom went shopping! She got a 30 pack of TOILET PAPER!!!! I'm usually not a big fan of shopping but now that I'm not allowed to go shopping it's like the only thing that I want to do! You would think that now that mom doesn't have kids with her. Shopping trips would be fast and easy that's not the case. It takes mom 4 hours to go on a shopping trip! Things are messed up these days.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Rylie Report - April 16, 2020

hi guys. guess what happend today! i got a ipad! i WANTED it for my b day but we got it now! ok this is crazy because once my sister paige and i were chatting:

me- can i get a ipad for my b day?
paige- no your not getting one.

well guess what i have now! our new ipad is actully our old ipad because me and paige once had the ipad i have now but that ipad was put through the WASHER but after a couple years (where we are now) we discoverd the ipad was working! now me and paige each have a ipad! YAY

my mom started this new thing were she makes a list than whatever she puts on the list we have to do! i think thats a good idea because my mom doesnt want us to sit and watch tv all time. well this is an exsample of what would be on the list, read 20 min, clean the counters, school work (distance learning) play outside, take a shower, do a puzzle and more. if we finish the list we get electronics so me and paige manige to get throgh the list. well i like some activitys on the list the list they are kinda fun!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Paige's Perspective - April 15, 2020

Today we are going to make a movie theater in our house! We will watch the movie trolls world tour on the big screen that we got. We will make tickets and have a consonances stand for us to get candy and dinner. We will also make signs saying quiet please! I assigned myself to be security guard so if anyone talks during the movie I get to escort them out myself!   

I have started to read the Harry Potter series (for the third time), and we just got the picture book of Sorcerer's stone so I read that. At first I was skeptical that it was the real version so I got the non picture book and found the same page. Turns out its the same book.   

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Rylie Report - April 14, 2020

a couple days ago was Easter, FLASH BACK! we started of the day with coming to the kitchen counter and discovering there was a basket with lots of cool stuff! i got a 5,000 fact book a beanie boo, a find the difference book and... CANDY! next we cleared out our basket and went on our egg hunt aroud the house. paige got more eggs then me, but i looked just a bit harder and got the good stuff inside the egg like hershie kisses or choclate thingies and robbin eggs wile most of the time paige got jelly beans. Well paige got some good stuff at least. She got more robin eggs but thats it i got most of the rest it was still verry fun we were both happy.

Easter dinner was verry big we had ham, cooked brocley, patatos, espariges,and duble eggs. what i forgot to menchon was throghout Easter day we kept finding eggs. we were like woop theres onother! well happy Easter! FLASH BACK DONE! well covint 19 is stepping up its game but we are to! staying home and social distancing is working! i found a verry funny song that you should watch click on it below!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Paige's Perspective - April 11, 2020

We have had a busy week! First we made a obstacle course for Izzy! It was fun to make, I put some cans out and Izzy was supposed to doge them. Then she had to go on the chairs. She had to follow the tape and go on the ramp to the couch. After that she had to follow the tape again to the sun room. After that she needed to jump over the cushions and push over the wall. This is what it turned out to be:

After the obstetrical course fiasco we made a beach in our sun room. We had chairs, sand, bogie boards,lemonade, and towels! Then we played beach songs and threw a ball around. We ate dinner and ice cream in it, and had a fun beach day. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Rylie Report - April 7, 2020

Yesterday was my Uncles birthday. We did a zoom call for it(because, covid 19) But, a hour before  we did the zoom call we wanted to make a sweet treat for his birthday. so we decided we wanted cupcakes but we didn't have SUGAR! you need sugar to make cupcakes! so we just decided to order from a restaurant. so we put our order in but a couple  minutes later my mom said that the restaurant was closed. unfortunately we just had to eat the ice cream in our freezer it was still good but cupcakes would be better.

my birthday is coming up and its so weird that my family is getting me presents i don't know about. my sister today told me a hint she said it was taller than a bottle in our bathroom but shorter than me. now i'm dying to see what it is! i'm gonna expect no more hints i want it to be a surprise. i can't wait!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Paige's Perspective - April 2, 2020

T.V show review time! 

Because of Covid-19 we have a lot of time to watch T.V shows. A show series that I was binge watching was Greenhouse Academy. It is probably my favorite show series ever! Greenhouse Academy is about siblings who go to a school called the Greenhouse, there they find out things involved with there moms death. It has lots of twists and turns so its very unpredictable. Greenhouse Academy also has lots of love and romance in it. There are two club houses the Ravens and the Eagles, the Ravens are the brains and the Eagles are the jocks, together they make a great team and a great T.V show!