Monday, September 26, 2016

Open letter to our fans

Dear Fans of The Lynch Family,

I want to start out by apologizing for the total lack of posting to our family website. Also, all the links to our photo albums recently stopped working (thanks, Google), thus making our website a total waste of the interweb. However, I have repaired the broken links, and here I am, making a post!

Basically, we have been busy. Since our last post, Paige started and finished first grade. Rylie started and finished pre-k. Paige completed her last year of Daisy Girl Scouts and bridged up to Brownies. Both girls attempted softball. Both girls competed on a summer swim team. Izzy got more gray hair around her snout.

At the end of August, Paige started second grade, Rylie started kindergarten, Molly started her 14th year of teaching, and Dave....well, nobody really knows what Dave does for work.

Here's our fall schedule:

Sundays - Both girls attend Sunday school in the morning, and I (Molly) may or may not have just volunteered to be her teacher (it's unclear). Paige has swim team in the evenings.

Mondays - Paige has softball games in the evenings.

Tuesdays - Paige has softball batting practice in the evenings.

Wednesdays - Rylie has musical theater classes in the evenings.

Thursdays - Paige has softball practice for 2 hours (!) in the evenings.

Fridays - Rylie has swim lessons around lunch time. Paige has Brownie meetings in the evenings.

Saturdays - Paige has softball games in the mornings.

Rylie will be starting Daisy scouts once the troop has been created, so we'll squeeze that in there somewhere once that starts up. Add in a few birthday parties, family gatherings and other going-ons, and we basically live in our car. The girls love being busy though, so it's all good. I should wrap this post up so I can head out to Costco to gather the ingredients for our meals-on-the-go that we will eat this week. Hope everyone is well.

Head of the Lynch Household