Here's the old toy room (this was the only picture I could find where the drapes were still up):
Then we painted the walls (3 cream, one pink). My addiction to Pinterest gave me the idea for an artwork display for the girls:
Then we put up decals on the pink wall:
I would have felt satisfied with our progress, except for this one pesky little problem--that there is no break in our walls where we can just stop painting. The entire main floor of our house must be the same color. So this meant that I had to also paint the cream walls in the tv room and kitchen.
Here's the "old" tv room:
I started painting, one wall per weekend. Oh, and we moved the tv:
On the list of things to do is to order new shades for the tv room, get a new tv stand, mount the tv on it's new wall, put some of the wall decorations back up, and, of course, paint the kitchen. We'll get to it...