We think (know) our girls are pretty funny. This will get them far in life. Here are some of our favorites:
-We were playing a game where we trapped the girls and they had to say, "open sesame" to get out. When we trapped Rylie, Paige decided to offer some advice to her as to how to escape. She said, "Just say open up sesame....wait, it would be open up sesa-Ry for you."
-The other night Paige came in our room around 2 am saying she was scared. When she got up in the morning she said, "I had a bad dream last night, so I came in your room." I asked what the dream was about, and she said, "Izzy's poop."
-At bedtime, Paige has this routine of crying 5 minutes after we put her to bed. We go up, ask what is wrong, she asks for a hug, and we're good. A few days ago her reason was that she wanted some pickles. Except, she was serious. We offered hugs, but she wanted pickles.
-One of Paige's friends was coming over for a playdate, and I made the ultimate mistake of talking about it at dinner THE NIGHT BEFORE the playdate (these things are usually discussed only minutes before they happen). I told her that it wasn't going to happen until the next day (to try to stave off some of the incessant, "is he here yet?" questions), so she asked, "Is Noah coming over after my dark nap, or my day nap?"
Rylie's funny moments are better captured by video, so enjoy: