Rylie's palate is an interesting one. I foresee an episode of "My Strange Addiction" in her future. She's a great eater at all meals, and will eat just about anything I give her (exceptions are eggs, shrimp and tomatoes), but it is her non-approved between meal "snacks" that concern me.
Example 1: The other day I met a friend at Starbucks and we were sitting outside enjoying our coffee while her baby and Ry walked around on the sidewalk. There was a planter close to us and Rylie decided to try a handful of potting soil. Now, I get it...potting soil looks a lot like crushed up Oreos, so why not give it a go?! You'd think, though, that after one handful, Rylie would have thought to herself, "hum, that was gross," but instead she went back for about 5 more handfuls.
Example 2: When I get ready in the morning, often times the girls will play in our bedroom or next to me in the bathroom. Rylie is known to get into the stuff under our sinks, so I have to do a lot of dancing around to keep a knee on whichever vanity door she's trying to open. However, occasionally she will get through my Fort Knox like security and get something out. A few weeks back she got out Dave's deodorant, popped off the lid, and took a big chomp (this is the point that I would like to make this a little less disgusting by saying it was a brand new deodorant, but that wasn't the case). Bad, right? Well, after that, she was zoned in on that deodorant and would wait for me to look away so that she could get another little taste. She's even gone after mine a few times. In total, I think she's taken about 3 big bites of deodorant.
Example 3: To prevent Ry from rummaging around too much in our bathroom cabinets, I've started putting her in Dave's sink while I get ready. His contact solution is usually sitting on the countertop and she'll drink from it like a bottle. So now I have to survey what products are out, make sure all lids are securely in place (or put them away), then plop her in the sink...all just so that I can brush my teeth.
Example 4: When I was unloading the groceries the other day, Rylie went into the pantry, grabbed the canister of brown sugar, carried it to the tv room and started shoveling handfuls of brown sugar into her mouth. Now, this is the first of her "odd foods" that I actually understand, but maybe not eating around a cup of it at once.
These are just the items that she actually ingests that gross me out, there's a whole laundry list of things that she just puts in her mouth that I think are pretty foul as well (toilet plunger, toilet brush, rocks, mulch, chalk, etc) so we've basically hidden everything in our house.