Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Family Update

It has been a while since we've updated our blog. So here's an update on the whole fam-damily.

I started up this school year on a part-time contract. I'm only working 2 days a week, and am "off" the other 3 days. Basically, on my days off I sit around and watch TV while chatting on the phone uninterrupted. It's awesome. Actually, I'm really enjoying my time home with the girls (but I could do without a little of the screaming). We go to the library, the gym, the playground, and in our spare time run around and do errands. We signed up for a CSA again this year (community supported agriculture; we get a tub of fruits and veggies every week), so we head out to the farm one day a week to do our "farming." Currently we have tons of potatoes, so I also spend my days figuring out what potato recipe I'm making that night. The girls really just enjoy the tractor ride to the fields, but I like that our weekly menu gets spiced up a bit with things I wouldn't normally buy (for example, say, 30 lbs of potatoes).

Paige is still growing like crazy and towers over most 3 year olds. She also talks A LOT. Like, if she's awake, she's saying something. Sometimes in the car she'll be talking, and I'll be like, "Paige, I can't hear you because my window is open." So she'll say, "It's okay Mommy, I'm just talking to myself." And she is. Some of her best things she has said recently are, "I'm not jumping on the bed, Mommy, I'm just squishing it with my feet" (for the record, she was totally jumping on the bed) and "Why we not need to ask why to everything, Mom?" She's doing one day a week pre-school ("fre-school" in Paige-land) which she likes but never seems to remember what she did when I pick her up. Today she said, "I don't remember what we did, it was too long ago." We were pulling out of the parking lot. She loves watching TV and playing on the iPad, and when we've told her she can't do either of those things, she'll go play with her dollhouse or dolls.

Our little Ry isn't so little anymore. She walks, she runs, she jumps, she talks, and OCCASIONALLY she will sleep. She's often awake for the day before 5 am, which we all really enjoy. Rylie really likes to eat, her typical breakfast includes, but is not limited to: toast, yogurt, cereal and a banana. She'll eat that, then beg for Paige to give her bites of her oatmeal (which Paige will do because she likes feeding her). Rylie still enjoys climbing on stuff, but will now go, "un, chu, shree" which means she's about to leap. She also will hop around on the floor and can get some pretty good air when she jumps. She's always very impressed with herself after she's had a good jump (we all are, really). She's also developing a great sense of humor, at least I think she is, but that's probably because she thinks I'm hilarious.

Here's a video of the girls doing their favorite things: