Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Twenty Twelve

Apparently (according to Ruthie), a video does not suffice as a blog post. So here I am, making a "real" entry. I can summarize what Izzy has been up to in about 5 words: eat, sleep, poop, sleep again. It's difficult to make her life interesting. She has taken to sleeping on the girl's couch and doll bed, which is incredibly cute, but other than that, she's boring. 

Paige and Rylie, on the other hand, have been up to so much. We enrolled Paige in a tap/ballet dance class, and are awed at her complete lack of grace every Saturday. Each class they do a little lesson (parents kicked out of the room), then invite the parents in to show us what they "learned." Well, today Paige discovered that her tap shoes can make a loud bang if she stomps her heal into the dance floor. So, while all the other girls delicately tapped their shoes and followed the instructors lead, she stomp stomped her heel and was SO proud of herself. I'm almost certain there is a divot in the floor where she was standing (as a side note, I was laughing so hard I started crying and had to leave the room). 

Rylie has learned how to crawl, clap, play peek-a-boo, stand, and get into mischief. Her goal in life is to find a hole in our child-proofing and show us what happens because of it. If the gate is off the stairs for 2.5 seconds, she'll be 5 steps up before you catch her. She thinks the oddest things are absolutely hilarious (head butting, pretending to drop her, etc) and has an infectious laugh that will make you continue doing these things to keep her giggling.