Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cast-Off, Cast-Away, Cast-Out

We were finally able to bid farewell to Paige's cast this week. She didn't exactly walk out of the doctors office, as we had thought she might, but instead decided to hang on to the gimp crawl for a little while longer as she regains confidence in her leg. Her skin is a tad bit dry (leather is probably silky smooth compared to Paige's leg right now), but nothing a little (lot) of lotion can't cure.

Following cast removal, Paige and I went straight to the outlet mall to get her some new socks (wearing only one sock for the past few weeks and me not even bothering to try to match them up after laundry has caused a few to go missing) and shoes. I think we're all pretty excited to have more than 5 pairs of pants that she can wear (the only ones that fit over the cast) again also. Maybe I can go back to biweekly laundry for her again...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Finally picked up the x-rays...

So if you look right below her knee, on the tibia, you can see the fracture. On the second picture, you see a little bump (the bump isn't supposed to be there).