Saturday, May 23, 2009


Ok, so we have officially survived two weeks with Paige (and somehow she has survived two weeks with us). While I would love to report that we have been "naturals" at this whole parenting thing, that is just not entirely the case. Luckily we haven't had any life threatening issues, just a few smaller glitches. Paige, however, doesn't seem to notice our inexperience and continues to be a happy little baby.

While we received a lot of advice during my pregnancy, here are a few things that we wish someone had told us before Paige was born:

1. Know how to fold up the stroller before you are in a crowded parking lot and someone is waiting for your parking spot with their blinker on. The pressure may cause you to shove the open stroller in the back of the car.

2. Sterilize the pacifiers before you NEED them. Screaming babies actually make water boil slower.

3. When installing the car seat and using the indicator on the side of the seat to determine if the seat is at the proper angle, make sure your parking spot is not on an incline.

4. If you leave the house with the baby, even if it is just to run to the bank really quickly, take the diaper bag. Babies know when you are unprepared and they will poop the second you do not have a diaper at the ready.

5. Speaking of diapers: always, always have a clean one on the ready when changing a baby. Air apparently causes babies to relieve themselves. Dirty diaper out, clean diaper movement.

And for those of you that just come here to see pictures, here are some new ones:

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